Case studies

Electro-Technik (Systems) Flight Minder FM1


CloudBase GA

CloudBase-GA is ground breaking administration and operations software for General Aviation (light aircraft) which offers fully integrated Operations for flying schools and clubs around the UK.

Timed flight data is automatically compiled and at the end of each flight uploads via the GSM mobile network to the CloudBaseGA central server. Flight data is retained and re-sent if required until confirmation is received from the server that it has been received and processed.

Flight data is analysed and flight records detailing the Aircraft Registration, Flight ID, Date, Brakes-Off time, Take-off Time, Landing Time, Brakes-On time and Location at end of flight are recorded on the CloudBaseGA server

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FM1 Flight Minder

CloudBas GA gathers information about the flights via a FM1 Flight Minder logger installed in the light aircraft.

Helda Systems helped support Electro-Technik (Systems) Ltd migrate the FM1 Flight Minder from the original AT-Mega 2560 based hardware to the new their new STM32 based hardware solution by porting the existing application code to the new platform.

The system now based around an STM32 mixed-signal MCU with an Arm ® Cortex ® -M4 core using the MCU's integrated UART, SPI, I2C, analogue and GPIO it interfaces with U-BLOX SARA R422 modems, U-BLOX MAX-M8Q GNSS, altimeters and non-volatile RAM to log the aircraft’s location and activity and report back to base over the GSM phone network.

Work continues to extend enhance the original firmware, add new product features and implement an IoT / MQTT based solution.
